Post-Season Ice Allocation, Scheduling, WGMHA Manual of Operations (Woolwich Wild)

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Post Season Ice Allocation

This policy is intended to create an understanding amongst coaches and players regarding the post regular season ice allotments.

During pre-season planning, Woolwich Wild allots ice during the playoffs and playdowns based on an average number of teams to qualify in any year.  The ice block is an extension of the regular season block of ice but must be used to meet an unpredictable demand from teams.  During the regular season, teams are assigned a minimum amount of practice and game ice based on:  our budgeted ice time, the number of teams, and whether the team is U15A/U18A, any other rep team or a Local League team.  These ice times are considered apportioned to the teams.

Post regular season ice is based on an assumption of a level of success and is not apportioned to any team.  The Association strives to divide this post season ice fairly, but it is based on the availability of ice, the success of the teams involved and the availability of the teams (ie. their game schedule).  These decisions will be made by the Association’s Scheduler in consultation with the Board of Directors as needed.

Woolwich Wild post-regular season ice blocks are not associated with any team no longer playing regular season games.

The cost of post season ice is budgeted annually and shared across all Woolwich Wild teams in their base registration fees.

Decisions regarding ice allocation will be made based upon the following priorities:

  1. Teams remaining in play-offs or play-downs requiring the completion of games:
    •  will have their games scheduled to meet the obligations of the play-off or play-down requirements, and
    •  to the best of the scheduler’s ability, will have one practice per week.
  2. Teams no longer playing in play offs and play downs will no longer be assigned ice as of the start of March Break.  Teams finishing after March Break will, where feasible, be permitted one last ice time after their final play off or play down game.
  3. Teams no longer playing in play offs and play downs but awaiting a further championship tournament (KGLL or OWHL League Championship or Provincials) will receive, to the best of the scheduler’s ability, one ice allotment per week.
  4. Further ice requirements will be considered and handed out in a way that best supports the team goals and is fair, and is based on the availability of ice and the proximity to the championship tournament.
  5. Ice blocks above and beyond the blocks already booked by Woolwich Wild may be purchased by the teams at their own expense, and in accordance with ice availability.
  6. During playoffs and play downs practices and exhibition games may be rescheduled as required to allow required games to be played.
  7. If teams are planning to enter a post-season tournament, they should budget for purchasing practice ice after March Break in the event they are no longer in the running for League or Provincial Championships at that point.