Import Rule, Players, WGMHA Manual of Operations (Woolwich Wild)

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Import Rule

Import (out of town) players play a vital role in the growth of the organization and may be considered for Woolwich Wild Representative level teams.  It is, however, the desire and commitment of the WGMHA to develop the girls registered within the association and to provide them with the opportunity to play and grow within the organization.

If the Coaching Staff is considering taking import players, including goalies;

  • The Import Approval Committee (President, Registrar, a Coaching Committee member or an alternate) must be made aware of the consideration as early as possible in the tryout process.
  • Then, for an import player to be approved, the Head Coach must communicate the request to the Import Approval Committee.
  • The Import Approval Committee, or the Board of Directors if the Committee is not available, must then approve the import request before any player can be formally selected.
  • The Import Approval Committee may approve up to three (3) out of town players including goalies per team.
  • Exceptions to this clause are subject to approval by the Board of Directors.