Dressing Room Staff, Team Staff, WGMHA Manual of Operations (Woolwich Wild)

PrintDressing Room Staff

Dressing Room Staff

Teams must have at least two females to supervise the dressing room.  In order to support this requirement, the WGMHA will cover the insurance cost for up to three rostered Dressing Room Staff.  These staff members must be:

  • age 18 or older,
  • associated with the team (e.g. parent, guardian, sibling, etc.), and
  • a minimum of two years older than the oldest player (except for Senior teams).

In addition to the Dressing Room Staff, rostered female coaches, trainers and managers may also supervise the dressing room.

Dressing Room Staff must meet the requirements in the Woolwich Wild Team Staff requirements chart.  If a volunteer does not meet these requirements, they are not permitted to be Dressing Room Staff.

The Board of Directors reserves the right to review and approve all Dressing Room Staff.

Females who are not rostered, and approved by the OWHA and WGMHA, are NOT permitted to supervise the dressing room.  The OWHA requires teams to have a minimum of two rostered Dressing Room Staff.