Player Equipment, Equipment, WGMHA Manual of Operations (Woolwich Wild)

PrintPlayer Equipment


Full protective hockey equipment, as outlined by the OWHA, is required.  Players will not be permitted on the ice if they are not wearing all required protective equipment, including properly fastened CSA approved helmets and facemasks, and BNQ approved throat protectors.  It is strongly recommended that every player participating in a game or practice shall always while engaged in play or practices, practice drills or scrimmages on the ice surface wear an intra-oral mouth guard.

See the Equipment Checklist for a list of required player equipment.

Are there colour requirements for the equipment?

Red helmets (except for goalie masks) and red pants are mandatory for girls playing for our representative teams.

Purchasing red helmets and pants is also a good idea for girls playing Local League.  Red matches our team colours and it could also make any transition to Rep less costly if they play Rep in the future!

Checking players equipment

It is the responsibility of each coach and/or trainer to ensure each player is equipped with all the required protective gear including properly fastened CSA approved helmets and facemasks, mouth guards and BNQ approved throat protectors for every ice time.