Team Budget Process, Team Budgets, WGMHA Manual of Operations (Woolwich Wild)

PrintTeam Budget Process

Team Budget Process

  1. All Head Coaches/Managers must submit to the Treasurer of WGMHA, draft team budgets for approval at least 1 week prior to the team parent meeting to ensure revenue and expenditures are reasonable and just.  All draft budgets are due by the earlier of:
    • October 1st, and
    • A week before the team’s first tournament.
  2. All budgets must be provided to the parent/adult player group at least 48 hours before their approval is requested.
  3. Teams must hold a meeting to discuss and approve the budget.  Parental/adult player approval is required with respect to the budget for team expenses.  This approval shall be determined by a secret, written ballot.
    • Only one parent per player, or player if 18 years or age or older, is allowed to vote.
    • Absent votes are not included.
    • The budget must receive 80% approval of the voters in attendance at the meeting.
    • Teams may request a Board member be present to run the vote and count the ballots.
  4. Once the budget has been approved at the Parent/adult player meeting, a copy of the Approved Budget must be submitted to the Woolwich Wild Treasurer.
  5. All approved expenditures in the budget will have a 10% margin before additional costs must be voted on by the team.  For example, if the budget allowed for $500 for power skating, the cost can increase up to $550 without requiring approval from the team.
  6. Any new expenditures after the budget is approved require a vote by the parents/adult players.
    • Only one parent per player, or player if 18 years or age or older, is allowed to vote.
    • 80% of these voters must approve the new expenditures.  (In other words, 80% of all players on the team must agree.)
    • Teams may request a Board member run the vote and count the ballots.
  7. If these new expenditures to the approved budget occur after the team is no longer in the running for their League Championship or Provincials, then in addition to the 80% vote:
    • Any players that do not agree to the new expenditure may opt out of the planned activity and will not be required to pay their share of the cost.
    • The new expenditure would then be shared by the players who agree to the extra expenditure.
    • For example, if the team wants to purchase additional practice ice, players that do not agree to the extra expenditure could decide not to attend the practice(s).  They would not pay towards the cost and could ask for their refund if the team was in a surplus position at that point in time.
  8. Regular updates must be provided to all parents or adult players, with a closing statement sent at the end of the season.
  9. Any remaining balance must be processed as defined in the section below, ‘Unused Funds at the End of the Season’.
  10. All teams must close out their bank account and submit a season-end financial statement by May 31st to the Woolwich Wild Treasurer.

 Once the budget is approved, it is the responsibility of the Head Coach and team Manager to uphold the financial requirements as set down in the budget.  Team financial arrangements are an agreement between the staff, and the parents/adult players of the team.  This is completely separate from the WGMHA funds, and therefore if you have any disagreement regarding the disposition of team funds, it would be a matter between the parents/adult players, the team Manager and the Head Coach.  If financial concerns are not addressed by the team, contact the Association Treasurer for assistance.