Team Fundraising, Team Budgets, WGMHA Manual of Operations (Woolwich Wild)

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Team Fundraising

All fundraising activities must be approved by the WGMHA Board of Directors.  Proceeds from team fundraising events are to be used to offset approved budget expenditures and/or a player’s portion of Team Rep Fees and Association Rep Fees.

All funds raised must be deposited in the team bank account.  This is to protect all WGMHA fundraising from misappropriation and fraud.

Team fundraising events are to be allocated at the team level or individual player level depending on the type of event.  If the event is such that individual contributions can be easily determined, the fundraised amount is to be used to reduce that player’s Association Rep Fees and Team Fees.  If it is a team event where all players participate in a manner where the individual contributions can not easily be determined, the fundraised amount must be used to offset approved team budget expenditures.

For example, if the team decides to sell popcorn as a fundraiser, the sales can be tracked by player.  Then if one player raises $75 and another raises $10, their fees would be reduced accordingly.  If the team decides to run a bottle drive, the amount raised would be divided between the players that participated in the fundraising event.  So, if $1,000 was raised and only 10 of the 15 players participate, $100 would be applied to reduce their fees.

The Head Coach or Manager must clearly explain to parents/adult players in advance how the proceeds of the fundraising will be applied to the team budget.

Fundraised fees are not considered parent contributions and are therefore not eligible for refund.  Therefore, parents/players cannot receive more money back at the end of the year than they paid in combined Team Rep Fees and Association Rep Fees even if they help to fundraise more than that amount for the team.

If there are any fundraising funds left over after all players have been reimbursed, the excess funds will be donated to Friends of Hockey.  See the ‘Unused Funds at the End of the Season’ section.