Team Sponsorship by an Individual or Business, Team Budgets, WGMHA Manual of Operations (Woolwich Wild)

PrintTeam Sponsorship by an Individual or Business

Team Sponsorship by an Individual or Business

Sponsorship is where you have a local business/person, donate money to the team.  Proceeds from sponsorships are to be used to offset approved budget expenditures or applied to specific items as specified by the sponsor.  This money is for TEAM events or expenditures only.  Events are where the entire team is planned to be PRESENT and participating.

You can issue a receipt for the funds, however, WGMHA is not a charitable organization and as such cannot issue charitable receipts.

All equipment purchased or donated by a sponsor shall become the property of the Association, be of a type and standard approved by the Association. 

Sponsor purchase of Woolwich Wild spirit wear must be made through our approved spirit wear provider.

Any excess funds collected through sponsorship and not used by the end of the hockey season for the team for which it was provided shall be transferred back to the Sponsor or donated to Friends of Hockey.  See the ‘Unused Funds at the End of the Season’ section.