Unused Funds at the End of the Season, Team Budgets, WGMHA Manual of Operations (Woolwich Wild)

PrintUnused Funds at the End of the Season

Unused Funds at the End of the Season

If, at the end of the season, there is a balance remaining in the team’s bank account after all expenditures and revenue have been accounted for the following process is to be followed:

  1. If sponsor funds have not been fully applied toward the intended expense(s) specified by the sponsor, the sponsor must be contacted to find out what to do with the excess funds:  refund to the sponsor or donate to Friends of Hockey.
  2. Any remaining balance, after Step #1, must be returned to the parents/adult players.  Parents/players cannot receive more money back at the end of the season than they paid in combined Rep Association Fee and Team Rep Fee.
  3. Any remaining balance, after Step #2, shall be donated to Friends of Hockey.

These steps are to be followed by no later than May 31st.  If there is a reason why this cannot be done, please inform the Woolwich Wild Treasurer.