Registration Fees, Registration, WGMHA Manual of Operations (Woolwich Wild)

PrintRegistration Fees

Registration Fees

Base registration fees and Association Rep fees are set annually by the Board of Directors.

Fees are based on the age division of the team the player is rostered to.  The only exception is if a Local League player is moved to a different age division at the request of the Board of Directors.  In this situation, the Board of Directors can waive any associated fee increase.

All players are required to pay the base registration fee.  An additional Association Rep Fee applies to all players/goalies on rep teams.  The base registration fee is due August 1st and the Association Rep Fee is due October 15th.  Rep teams will also have additional team fees to cover costs such as tournaments, extra activities, spirit wear, etc., see Rep Team Budget for more details.

Family Discount

For families with three or more players registered with the WGMHA a 10% discount will be applied to the base registration fee.

Goalie Discount

The goalie discount applies to players who:

  • for rep teams - were rostered as a goalie on the team, OR
  • for local league teams (U11 and up) - played in net for 50% of the games.

A goalie discount of $200 applies to returning goalies who met the requirements in the previous season.  This discount will be applied as a credit to this season's fees.

For example, if you are rostered as a rep goalie for the 2023-2024 season, you will receive a goalie discount in the 2024-2025 season.