OWHA Code of Ethics, General Policies and Procedures, WGMHA Manual of Operations (Woolwich Wild)

PrintOWHA Code of Ethics


Ontario Women’s Hockey Association
Code of Ethics

As a representative of female hockey, I support the Values, Mission and Code of Conduct of the Ontario Women’s Hockey Association. It is an honour to work with others who share the desire to contribute to the positive growth and development of female hockey. I am pleased to support this document, thereby demonstrating my support for the high standards required by the volunteer role models for the players.

My commitment as a volunteer is to:

  • recognize that positive communication is key to the success of the OWHA
  • accept responsibility
  • contribute to the best of my ability
  • look at the big picture - supporting the advancement of female hockey throughout the entire Province of Ontario
  • consider the “needs” and “desires” of every single player
  • state my thoughts honestly and through proper channels
  • refrain from participation on web site forums
  • listen to other points of view with an open mind
  • approach problems constructively, with a determined effort for a fair solution
  • sincerely support majority decisions once they are made
  • speak in a positive manner about the OWHA, its members, organizations and individuals involved and about female hockey in general
  • deal with concerns internally and constructively
  • speak positively about peers - if there are concerns, talk to the individual(s) concerned, not to others
  • graciously share the credit when things go right
  • remain humble
  • share the blame and work towards a solution when things go wrong
  • do my own job and support others who are doing their work
  • always speak positively about female hockey
  • declare a conflict of interest in appropriate cases, stepping aside from decisions
  • refrain from swearing
  • avoid public confrontations
  • wear neutral or OWHA clothing when representing the OWHA
  • refrain from cheering for a team when wearing OWHA clothing
  • refrain from wearing OWHA identification/clothing when representing a team, league or association
  • agree to screening as per the OWHA/Hockey Canada Harassment and Abuse Policies and Procedures
  • take time to enjoy the game, and, most importantly, the people in the game.
Failure to comply with this Code of Ethics is considered to be a violation of the OWHA Code of Conduct