Sep 08, 2020 | Jacinta Faries | 749 views
A Message from Our Woolwich Wild President
As we prepare for our return
to hockey there will be several things that will be different this year.
It is important to note that this year there will be a heavy focus on getting our players back on the ice safely, this is our priority. Training groups are being formed with a focus on skills and drills with the possibility of 3/3 and 4/4 at a later time. This season, players will be placed into training groups for practice purposes, as there are no tryouts as per the OWHA guidelines.
It is important to note that the training groups are not teams which is different than in past seasons. This is not traditional hockey as we know it. The training groups are being formed by an Executive Committee. Several factors are taken into consideration when making training groups.
1. The level of play from last season
2. Registration numbers across an age group and the ability to even out
groupings according to those numbers
3. Past coaches input
4. Facility capacity/guidelines and available ice time
The training groups can be “bubbled" together to make a larger 50 player practice bubble which allows for some movement between the training groups, especially for goalies, and at the coaches discretion. While we understand that some may not agree with where their daughter has been placed, it is important to know that when tryouts are permitted, things will open up for teams to be formed.
Our mandate from the OWHA is to provide a safe and fun atmosphere and return to hockey for our players to get them back on the ice.
We appreciate your support.
Chris McMillan