Removal from Play and Return to Play Protocols
The OWHA Concussion Awareness Resource (include link) outlines the Removal from Play and Return to Play protocols that will be followed by the Woolwich Girls Minor Hockey Association.
The following is some basic guidelines if a head injury is incurred:
- Remember: HIT, STOP, SIT
- A player with a suspected concussion should stop participating in training, practice and competition immediately.
- Call 911 if the player is unconscious, has lost consciousness or had a seizure.
- If the player is conscious and is suspected to have suffered a concussion, the first step is to be assessed by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner. For example, visit your family physician, a sports medicine physician or an emergency room.
- Symptoms may appear hours or days after an injury. If symptoms appear or persist, visit a medical doctor or nurse practitioner.
- Once a concussion is confirmed, please follow the steps the medical doctor, sports medicine doctor or nurse practitioner has set out for the player and follow the Hockey Canada Return to Play Guidelines.
- Throughout the process, please keep the coaching staff aware of the progress and timelines to return to play that have been communicated by the medical doctor, sports medicine doctor or nurse practitioner.
- Once the medical doctor, sports medicine doctor or nurse practitioner, has cleared the player to return to hockey, please provide a physician’s note to the coaching staff so they have confirmation the player has been cleared to play
- Hockey Canada’s Return to Play guidelines MUST be followed.
- These same protocols should be followed for severely injured players (e.g. broken arm, etc.).