No Spectators Permitted - Effective November 25th, News (Woolwich Wild)

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Nov 24, 2020 | Jacinta Faries | 802 views
No Spectators Permitted - Effective November 25th
The Township of Woolwich met with the Region of Waterloo Public Health Unit today and based on clarification from the Province of Ontario, we have further restrictions to our ice usage.

Effective Wednesday, November 25th, the following rules are in place:

  • No parents/guardians/siblings will be allowed entrance into the facility.
  • Limit of 10 people per ice pad (this number includes coaches, players and anyone in the stands).
  • No dressing room usage.
  • No scrimmages or games permitted.
  • Only skills and drills training is permitted.

Therefore, each ice time is limited to a maximum of 8 skaters and 2 team staff (a coach and a trainer one of which must be female).  For the younger age groups, we are recommending that coaches keep a higher ratio of players to team staff.

Your coach/manager will let you know which ice times your daughter will be attending.  Please remember there will be changes to the ice times for the weekends…the Township will be sending those out tomorrow and we will adjust your weekend ice times accordingly.

Thanks again for your patience and understanding.  We are pleased to be able to continue to offer your daughters the opportunity to play hockey during these difficult times.

Please continue to wear your mask, wash your hands frequently, social distance and keep to your bubbles.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
