Hockey, COVID and Township Update, News (Woolwich Wild)

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Jan 01, 2022 | Jacinta Faries | 835 views
Hockey, COVID and Township Update
We want to update you on a few things as hockey starts up again next week:

Please inform your coach/manager if you or a family member had COVID over the holidays (or at anytime going forward):

If your daughter or someone else in the household had to isolate due to COVID over the holidays, please let you team coach or manager know ASAP.  We will need to know the expected end date of your isolation period.  Please keep your team coach or manager informed if that date changes.

Coaches need to plan for upcoming games and therefore, they need to know how many players they have available to play.

Ontario has released new guidelines for COVID-19, please refer to ‘What to do if exposed to COVID-19’.

Updated requirements for entry into the arenas:

As per Ontario Regulation 645/21, effective January 4, 2022, everyone 12 and older entering an arena will be required to:

  • show government identification (a picture or legible photocopy is acceptable), and
  • complete the Woolwich Wild Contact tracing and COVID-19 health screening, and
  • show proof of vaccination using the Government of Ontario enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code, OR
  • for individuals with a medical exemption, as of January 10th, 2022, show a provincially issued exemption QR code for verification.

Proof of vaccination and identification will be required each and every time you enter the facility. Please be sure your daughter has a copy of their vaccination certificate with the QR code AND a copy of their government identification with them at all ice times.

It is important to understand that proper documentation including QR codes and identification are required.  In addition, physician notes will no longer be accepted after January 10, 2022.  If an individual feels they qualify for an exemption, they must approach their PHU.


Children turning 12 years of age in 2022 have 12 weeks following their 12th birthday to become fully vaccinated in order to be permitted to participate in hockey and/or enter the arena.  If your daughter will not meet this vaccination requirement, you can contact us to withdraw from hockey.  Please contact our registrar at [email protected].


New Woolwich Township guidelines for facilities:

  • Please try to reduce the number of spectators per player at practices and games (1 parent/guardian per player where possible)
  • Players should come to practice and/or games as dressed as much as possible and ready to play – dressing rooms will be available 15 minutes before and after ice times.
  • Keep safe dressing room protocols – minimize time spent in dressing rooms, wear masks, and keep distanced
  • New dressing room posted capacities (50%) or maximum capacity of 10 players in most dressing rooms – this may mean players taking turns.  The Township is working to accommodate sufficient dressing rooms for game play and may need to make some adjustments.
  • Everyone must wear masks at all times including team staff, volunteers, parents, and players while not on the playing surface or bench.  Team staff must wear masks while on the bench.
  • Keep distanced wherever possible, and do not congregate in lobbies or hallways.
  • Limit bringing food or beverages into the recreation facilities (water for sport is exempted). Only consume these items if absolutely necessary, and re-mask as soon as possible after consuming within the recreation facilities. These measures are in place to encourage mask wearing while in the recreation facilities.
  • Eliminate indoor team social activity.

We wish you all a Happy New Year.  Stay safe and healthy!


Your Woolwich Wild Executive

Regulations and directions are subject to change based on further direction and/or guidance from the Province and Regional governments, the OWHA and the Waterloo Public Health Unit.  Program participants are reminded to Check Before you Rec for the most current Woolwich Township recreation and facilities information.

We will continue to monitor provincial, regional, OWHA and PHU regulations and announcements on a regular basis and advise you of any changes to our hockey programming.  Updates will be communicated to parents and posted on our website.

