Woolwich Wild Players - Tryout Registration Information (Woolwich Wild)

PrintWoolwich Wild Players - Tryout Registration Information

NON-Woolwich Wild players - Click here to see Tryout Registration Information

Woolwich Wild Players



WGMHA intends to host fall tryouts for U9 Rep, U22 Rep and Senior B


  • This season, for players registered with Woolwich Wild in the 2024-2025 season, tryouts will consist of two phases:
  • Internal tryouts are mandatory for any Woolwich Wild player wanting to tryout for a Tier 1 team, but Tier 2 players are strongly encouraged to participate.
  • Internal tryouts are for all 2024-2025 Woolwich Wild players regardless of where they live.  (i.e. both import players and Woolwich residents that were rostered with Woolwich Wild in 2024 - 2025 are eligible to attend our internal tryouts.  The key is that you must have been rostered with us in 2024-2025 and therefore insured to tryout ahead of Open Tryouts).
  • There will be three dates for internal tryouts.  There will be no releases done until after the third internal tryout date.
  • Tier 1 and 2 coaches will be evaluating players at these tryouts and the Tier 1 coaches may release some players at the end of internal tryouts.  Released players may then attend Tier 2 tryouts.
  • U11 and U13 Internal Tryouts
  • U15 and U18 Internal Tryouts


  • Initially you can only select the current 2024/2025 season, further in the process you can register for the applicable age group for the 2025/26 Woolwich Wild Player Tryout Package based on birth year.
  • You may get a yellow banner about an incomplete registration, disregard and continue with registration process
  • Players register once in RAMP and may attend all tiers in their division.
  • The tryout fee is $75 and includes both internal and open tryouts.
  • If unsuccessful at the top tier tryout there is no additional tryout fee to attend second tier tryouts.
  • Attending top tier tryouts is not necessary if you are planning to play on the second tier team.
  • Please indicate your daughter's name and age group in the etransfer message.
  • As we do not use RAMP to collect payments, your confirmation from RAMP will show a $0 fee, but you do need to etransfer $75 tryout fee.
  • Our etransfer email is:  [email protected]


Failure to register, make payment, and provide a PTT when necessary could prevent you from being able to participate in tryouts.


During the tryout process, a WGMHA coach can offer players positions on their representative team.  This will be done both verbally and through a Letter of Commitment.  Parents/Guardians and players are required to sign the Letter of Commitment stating their intention to play for the WGMHA during the upcoming season.  Players, and their parents/guardians, will have 24 hours to accept the offered position on the WGMHA team. 

If a player commits to a WGMHA representative team and then chooses to request a release to join a different association, they will not be permitted to return to the WGMHA the following season without first requesting permission to attend tryouts.  Requesting permission requires emailing the President ([email protected]) prior to registering for tryouts.  Included in the email should be an explanation of why the player should be considered for a Woolwich Wild team along with their understanding if they accept a position on a WGMHA team, they will not be permitted a release to another association for that season.

The President will then make a recommendation to the WGMHA Board, which must be approved by the Board prior to the player being permitted to attend WGMHA tryouts. 


Internal tryouts start on April 16thCheck the schedule for exact dates and times.


Open tryouts start on April 28thCheck the schedule for exact dates and times.  Be sure to check the schedule regularly as it could change.

Failure to register, make payment, or provide a PTT when necessary could prevent you from being able to participate in tryouts.