NON-Woolwich Wild Players - Tryout Registration Information (Woolwich Wild)

PrintNON-Woolwich Wild Players - Tryout Registration Information




Permission to Tryout is required

  • If Woolwich Wild was NOT your Home Centre for the 2024-25 season:
    • You will require a Permission to Tryout (PTT) from your Association's registrar to attend tryouts in Woolwich.  Registering for a tryout with Woolwich will not automatically generate the PTT.
  • Please submit your PTT form to [email protected] prior to your first tryout.
  • Failure to register, make payment, and provide a PTT when necessary could prevent you from being able to participate in tryouts.

Registration Notes

  • Register for the applicable age group for the 2025/26 Open Tryout Package based on birth year.
  • Tryout fee is $75
  • If unsuccessful at the top tier tryout there is no additional tryout fee to attend second tier tryouts.
  • Attending top tier tryouts is not necessary if you are planning to play on the second tier team.
  • Please etransfer the fee to us and indicate your daughter's name and age group in the etransfer message.
  • As we do not use RAMP to collect payments, your confirmation from RAMP will show a $0 fee, but you do need to etransfer the required $75 tryout fee.
  • Our etransfer email is:  [email protected]

Commitment Policy

During the tryout process, a WGMHA coach can offer players positions on their representative team.  This will be done both verbally and through a Letter of Commitment.  Parents/Guardians and players are required to sign the Letter of Commitment stating their intention to play for the WGMHA during the upcoming season.  Players, and their parents/guardians, will have 24 hours to accept the offered position on the WGMHA team. 

If a player commits to a WGMHA representative team and then chooses to request a release to join a different association, they will not be permitted to return to the WGMHA the following season without first requesting permission to attend tryouts.  Requesting permission requires emailing the President ([email protected]) prior to registering for tryouts.  Included in the email should be an explanation of why the player should be considered for a Woolwich Wild team along with their understanding if they accept a position on a WGMHA team, they will not be permitted a release to another association for that season.

The President will then make a recommendation to the WGMHA Board, which must be approved by the Board prior to the player being permitted to attend WGMHA tryouts.