Vulnerable Sector (Police) Check
All Team Staff, aged 18 and over, must have a Police Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) every three years. Forms are available online on your local police force website. A letter which states you are a volunteer is available on our website and should be submitted when the police check is requested. Click here for the link to the Waterloo Regional Police website where you can obtain the Vulnerable Sector Check if you live in the Waterloo Region.
This season, the OWHA will be using a new, centralized process for Vulnerable Sector Checks. This process applies to all Team Staff regardless of whether you have already submitted your VSC to us in the past.
This change is being implemented to:
- ensure all screening is being done.
- reduce number of screenings where individuals are changing and/or participating in multiple Associations.
- provide a safe hockey environment.
It is imperative for all Team Staff to ensure their Vulnerable Sector Check is completed to be eligible as a Team Staff member on an OWHA team and to participate in programs both on and off the ice. This includes having a valid Vulnerable Sector Check and submitting the form to the OHF.
Ontario Hockey Federation Screening Process
Effective immediately, all VSCs must be approved by the Ontario Hockey Federation using their online Screening Submission Portal.
Before entering the OHF Screening Submission Portal, please ensure you know your HCR # and have a pdf of a recent Vulnerable Sector Check:
1. Get your Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) Number:
Click here to log into your HCR 3.0/Spordle account or to create a Hockey Canada (HCR 3.0) account. Here you will find your HCR #:
2. Make sure you have a PDF of a valid Vulnerable Sector Check and know your Hockey Canada number, then click here. Be sure to click on the 'Register now' red button as shown below.
3. IMPORTANT: Once you complete Step #2, you will receive an email similar to this.
You need to click on the OHF Screening Submission Portal link in that email:
4. After clicking on the
OHF Screening Submission Portal link, you will be taken to a website where you answer some questions, input your HCR # and upload your VSC (which must be in pdf format). It looks like this:
If you do that correctly, you should receive a confirmation email that says something like:
Thank you for your screening submission to the OHF. Your application will be reviewed by a Record Check Inspector in order of receipt. Once reviewed, a final decision will be added to your HCR profile.
To check the status of your application please CLICK HERE and log into your Spordle account.
OHF Screening Submission Portal
- All documents must be in PDF format to be accepted. (Pictures, images and other formats are not accepted.)
- Should your returned Vulnerable Sector Check from your police service be password protected, save the PDF to remove the password encryption. Alternatively, you can print the Check and scan as a PDF to upload.
- There are requirements for registered players that require documentation to show proof of residence and birth certificate. This is NOT a requirement for Coaches or Officials.
- For the 2024-25 season, the OHF will be accepting copies of a Vulnerable Sector Check from 2022-23 OR 2023-24 AND the OHF Screening Declaration Form (PDF).
- If the Team Staff member is deemed ineligible through review of their VSC or Screening Declaration form, they will be notified.
For existing team staff, who provided a VSC in 2022 or 2023, please email
[email protected] if you need a copy of the VSC you provided to us.
If you require a new VSC this season, please remember to save a copy of your receipt and submit it to [email protected] for a refund. We pay a maximum of $20 for VSCs.
The OHF website contains full information regarding this process. If you still have questions after reviewing their information, please contact us at [email protected].
The Vulnerable Sector Check must be submitted to and approved by the OHF by July 31st for rep teams, or October 15th for U9B, Senior B and local league teams, the applicable staff member is not permitted to participate with the team until the requirement is met and approved.