Thanks group for a great last game., News, Atom LL, U11, 2012-2013 (Woolwich Wild)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 17, 2013 | Lorie Richardson | 1730 views
Thanks group for a great last game.

You guys played well and were great sports for allowing yourselves to change positions and jump out of your comfort zone. I think some of you were surprised how much you liked playing forward or defence for the first time. Also, a great job in goal Brianna. Thanks all for helping out this season as well. Brian and Bill for helping throughout the year behind the bench and at practice. Sue for managing the team. Phyliss for helping as team trainer. The Wideman's and The Ward's for taking care of the Jerseys, Joe for helping fill the gaps behind the bench and at practice, and Chris for volunteering as parent rep.  It was a lot of fun this year. I hope all the girls had a chance to develop their hockey skills and meet some new friends.