Jan 17, 2015 | Brooks Campbell | 773 views
End of the Season Update
Well we are coming to the end of the season with two games left. We currently sit in 5th place but can mathematically move up. the top five teams are all just 4 points separates first from 5th with 3 teams ties at 26. most teams only have 2 games left with mitchell with 4 games. When things are set we will schedule our first round games.
In the next week you will see some TBA games show up in our schedule. These are place holders for planning games.
For provincials currently we will be playing against Kitchener, Waterloo, and Brantford. I have heard a rumour that Wilmont may be categorized down to the B division. This will most likely not be known until after 27 Jan. I am going to try and have a double round robin for the provincial play-downs. Woolwich has ice to support a 4 team double round robin, if wilmont moves down we may have to use a practice or two to get in a double round robin.
We have a practice and I believe yoga on Monday, a game on Tuesday, regular practice on Wednesday, a practice on Sunday, and the final game on Wednesday.
The Orangville schedule is not posted yet will keep you advised.
Regards Brooks Campbell