Oct 18, 2016 | Amanda Forbes | 737 views
Rookie Update - October 18
Due to the size of our team this year, the Rookies will
be split into 2 teams when games begin after Christmas. This means that we will
require double the amount of volunteers. We are looking for volunteers to fill
the following positions:
- Manager
- Parent Rep
- Trainer (for girls hockey, they must be female)General team helpers
If you are able to help out at all, please contact me to
learn more about what is involved. We will not be able to play games in the new
year without the above positions being filled.
A number of red jerseys went missing after photos Saturday. Please return them to me this week as we do not have extras and will need them when teams are split.
Please return these to me as soon as possible.
Please label your child’s helmet with their first name so coaches can more quickly split the girls up at the beginning of each practice.
If your child is interested in trying goal, please let me know. We have goalie equipment on loan from the association that we can rotate through the players.
$25 each and offers various prizes throughout the year. Please see me at practice Saturday if you would like to purchase.
There are still a few parents that I have not received contact information for, so if you know of any, please feel free to forward them my email information.
See you at the rink!